Creating Reference Tables

Reference tables store reference data. You can create reference tables in new or existing reference folders. You can also create reference sub-folders and create reference tables under it.

To create reference tables in a new reference folder, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Reference Data Manager.
  2. Under the Workspace pane, right-click the Reference Folders node and click New Folder.
  3. The New Folder page appears.

  4. Enter Folder Name, Folder Description, and click .
  5. The folder is created and saved in the Reference Folders tree.

    Note: You can create sub-folders under a reference folder to provide one more level of categorization to reference tables.

  6. Right-click the reference folder.
  7. Click New Table.
  8. The New Reference Table page appears.

  9. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
  10. Field Name


    Folder Name

    Specifies the name of the reference folder.

    For example, NASDAQ Healthcare.

    It is autopopulated and cannot be edited.

    Table Name

    Specifies the name of the reference table.

    For example, Data_Classifications_Levels.


    Specifies the version of the reference table.

    For example, 1.00.

    It is autopopulated and cannot be edited.


    Specifies the reference table owner's name.

    For example, Talon Smith.

    Data Steward

    Specifies the name of the data steward responsible for the reference table.

    For example, Jane Doe.

    For more information on configuring data stewards, refer to the Configuring Data Stewards topic.


    Specifies the description about the reference table.

    For example: This reference table serves as domain for the data classification column.

  11. Click .
  12. A new reference table is created and saved in the Reference Tables tree.

Once a reference table is created and added to a reference folder, you can add data to it in one of the following ways: